NOTE!!! Updated Fees & Services starting January 1st, 2025. We accept Debit,E-transfer, Credit cards. All price already including HST. Direct online billing available. Please note that for Acupuncture treatment :an initial consultation is required for all new patients. Kindly allow 65-75 minutes for the first acupuncture appointment. If, for any reason, you are unable to find or book a convenient appointment through our website, kindly give us a call, and we would be more than happy to accommodate you.
Therapeutic Oriented Clinic
Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture & Massage(RMT)
to manage:
【Dermatology,Rejuvenating treatment & Anti-aging Skin rash, Fugus infection; Acne, freckles & dark spots, wrinkles
【Prenatal & Post-partum : Fertility & Pregnancy Support; PMS; Menstrual Irregularities; Low Libido, Hormonal imbalance, menopausal syndrome; Hot Flashes; Ovarian Cysts; PCOS ; Endometriosis
【Pain issue: Headache, Chronic & acute body pain, numbness & pain hands & arms, Sciatica and Scoliosis, Frozen shoulder, Sports injuries,Tendonitis, Arthritis and joint issues, Post-injury recovery. Varicose veins
【COVID Sequelae: Pain, Forgetful, Insomnia, Fatigue,Bloating..
【Mental & Emotional: Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia..
【Neurological Issues: Stroke Paralysis, Bell palsy
【Weight Control
【Internal Medical Disorder: Allergies, Asthma, IBS, Diarrhea & constipation, Stomach pain, Heartburn
【 Steam burn:
- First-degree (superficial) burns
- Second-degree -(partial thickness) burns